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    BOUCHERON-Office Temp

    Boucheron - Contractor
    Taipei City - Taiwan Region

    Job Family Group Description - General Management: Provides guidance and support to our business. Contributes to and supports business growth at different levels, from the development and implementation of a clear strategic plan to general administrative assistance. Job Family Description -General Management Support: Provides specialised guidance or support to our managers and employees. Assists in day-to-day office requirements. Manages our company’s general administrative activities. Sub-Job Family Description - Personal Assistant / Administrative Assistant: Provides office administrative support for a middle to upper-level management position.

    1. 協助行銷部門每周收集新聞露出
    2. 協助行銷部門製作月報,包括品牌新聞露出、行銷活動資訊/照片彙整
    3. 支援行銷部門舉辦之品牌活動,例如前置準備及活動當天現場的臨時交辦事務
    4. 協助業務部門彙整資料
    5. 協助日常的公司內部(辦公室、店鋪)之間的基礎聯繫
    6. 負責辦公室行政、文書庶務,例如費用請款、合約簽核跟進、資料或文件建檔/歸檔

    • 上班時間:9:30~18:30,需能長期配合至少6個月以上
    • 時間配合度高及可彈性調整(不定期下班後或周末、國定假日需能到場支援)
    • 態度積極、做事注重細節及細心
    • 具辦公室文書處理經驗、統整報告及報表能力 (尤其word, excel及PPT)
    • 具英文讀寫能力,運用於日常書信往來及報表製作,偶而需翻譯
    • 具備應變能力和抗壓性
    • 對珠寶相關產業有熱忱者尤佳

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